Friday 13 September 2013

Rods on broke down wheels...

What a doesn't get much sister's wedding is getting rains almost daily....and just as the weekend about to bike broke down...

It was on Wednesday and I was on my way home from work near the KPJ Selangor Medical Centre when my bike (I was running at about 100-110 km/h at the time) suddenly lost power.  The engine doesn't died out but there were this strange sound from the engine like the sound of metal hitting each other.  I stopped at a Bus Stand and tried to figure out what was wrong.  Initially I thought that the exhaust might have been leaking due to the sound but I quickly realize that it was something inside the cylinder that is causing the sound and there's nothing I could do at the side of the road.

I did mentioned that the enigine is still running right?  Well it does but at a very low a very slow ride home for me that day.  I couldn't go any faster then 40 km/h...just imagine how awkward it was riding a bike at 40 km/h wearing a riding jacket, gloves and full-face helmets while the bike is emitting the loud strange sound...

I went straight to the workshop near my place and upon inspection, was told that one of the piston ring had broke and caused a very deep scratch on the cylinder wall.  More bad news was the fact that there are now oversize piston for the bike model available in the market so a re-bore job is not possible.  The only solution is to replace the block and piston....and the cost is about RM650...

There goes my plan of buying a new Round BC (I had planned to buy a Shimano Calcutta Conquest 101 reel this week)...

But as usual...there's always light at the end of the tunnel...the weekend is almost here and so does the or no bike...I'm still going to this new place I found on Monday...I believe it has potential of harbouring snake heads communities...and I'm going there by I hate driving...

So...Ride On...Fish On...or should I put it...Drive On...Fish On...

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