Monday 9 September 2013

Rainy days... has been raining daily for the past 2 weeks now.  I have had to cancelled 2 trips and another trip is looking very likely to be shelved too.

As bad as it is, it also gives me the opportunity to do some maintenance work on my fishing gears and also my bike.

So off goes the line from my Shimano Caenan BC reel and my Shimano Alivio Spinning reel, a WD40 spray and wipe followed by re-greasing the gears and moving parts.  My Okuma BC and Spinning rods also had a rinse and a wipe off, followed by all my lures.

Next is my trusted Yamaha FZ150i with an engine oil change, new oil filter goes in, re-greasing the chain, new air filter elements and finally a snow wash....

All cleaned and shining now...ready for battle....if only we can have a good sunny day this weekend...

While waiting for the weekend to come and hopping that the weather will be kinder this time around, I paid a visit to the RM3 Siakap Pond in Jugra.  I ddn't bring any fishing gear as I was only there to see the place and if the fishing is still good (with all the rain, the water may loose it's salinity and fish tend to be more passive when this happen)...

It seems that the fishes is still biting, albeit at a lower rate.  A guy using a top water lure had numerous strike on a single cast but none was a solid hook up.  Closer inspection reveals the reason, the fishes are so much smaller in size ranging between 300 to 400 grams each.  Previously the fishes are slightly bigger averaging 500 to 700 grams each.

When the weekend finally arrived, the rain is still coming down.  In fact, the rain is worst now compared to the previous days.  I took what little window of opportunity I had in between the rains to go and have a cast or two.  It doesn't take me long to get my first strike on Saturday only for the rain to make a come back, and it returned with a vengeance leaving me soaking and shivering on my ride back home.

My little sister wedding is coming up in 2 weeks time so its time to hang up my rods for the time being and focus on the event.  My next trip will most probably be either at the end of the month or after the start of next month.

Off goes this 20 lbs braided line

A strike and solid hook up from the first cast...

Ride On...Fish On...

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